Friday, February 24, 2012

Fun New Toy

Daddy got out one of the seats for Henry out and he loves the new toys!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

6 Months Old

When Henry visits Didi he often gets to have photo shoots. Here are a couple of cute collages Didi put together to celebrate Henry's 1/2 birthday!

Remembering the Small Stuff

Tom took this really cute picture of Henry's foot. It's fun to have shots like these to remember all the "little" moments.

Trying Cereal

The doctor ok'd giving Henry some cereal so we have been trying it out. He's not quite sure what to think of the spoon yet, but he's getting better. Here is one of our more successful attempts!

I think he likes it!

I'll help you mom!

Where does this go exactly?

Dr. Appointment

We got a little off schedule with Henry's doctor's appointments so he was at his "four month" appointment closer to five months. He is doing great! He weighs 13 lbs and 3 oz and is 24 inches long! He was also very brave when he got his shots!

He got to take his favorite toy...Cookie Monster!

Look at my chubby tummy!