Sunday, December 4, 2011

Look How Far We've Come

We found an outfit in Henry's new size (0-3 months) that we also had in a preemie size. I held up the two outfits to see how far he has come. What an awesome little guy!

Here is then in the NICU and now in his big boy crib!

Four Generations

At Thanksgiving we took a four-generations picture. What a blessing!

Here's Henry and Great Grandma Slater. This is Grandma's fifth great grandson!

Henry's First Hockey Game

We took Henry to his first hockey game! We went with Susan, Madison and Jackson. We saw John on the bench and made it on the big screen! It was quite a night and Henry did great!

Cute Pictures

Here are some things we've been doing this month!

Henry found his thumb!

Little smiles!

He loves bath time!

Catching Up!

I'm a little behind but here are some updates! This is Henry at three months old. We had a little trouble getting a smile, but we see them more and more!